• Best

about school

St. Mary's Convent School,

St. Mary's Convent School affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi is one of the oldest and gracious institutions located in the pristine environs of Kasauli, in the Shimla Hills about 6000 ft. above sea level. The infrastructure of the school provides a spiritual, moral, educational and cultural environment to the children. The School year commences by mid of February and ends in the second week of December. St. Mary's Convent School, Kasauli, founded in 1958 is under the management of the Congregation...

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Principal's Message

Sr. Tesvin S.D. (Principal)

At our core, we St.Mary’s believe in the power of values to shape lives, communities and the world at large. Here, we celebrate the principles that guide us towards a fulfilling existence. Whether it’s integrity, compassion, resilience or empathy, we honour these values as pillars of our existence. We embrace the essence of living with purpose and integrity. Our platform is a sanctuary for those seeking inspiration, guidance and connection through the lens of meaningful values.

Every click, every scroll leads you closer to a deeper understanding of what truly matters. We believe that in world filled with noise, the clarity of our values serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path to fulfillment and authenticity.

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Toppers (2023-24)

Class: X
  • Daksh Moudgil
  • Ruchika Thakur
  • Prisha Gupta
Class: XII
  • Harman Jassal
  • Muskan Attri
  • Saavi Verma
  • Tushar Anand
  • Chanchal Thakur
  • Aditi Sharma